Applied Health Analytics enables hospital and health system business development initiatives with technology solutions that position them as the leading providers of population health management services in their communities.

Understanding the needs of the “demand side” is vital to a successful commercial market strategy. Applied Health Analytics’ experts know what employers want. We work with health system leadership to align appropriate resources, personnel, and existing services to launch or enhance its commercial market “Service Line.” Following Applied Health Analytics’ leadership, health systems earn the trust and win the business of local employers.

Current Healthcare Market Conditions
For employers, cost trajectories in health benefit expense are unsustainable. Employer frustration with double digit, year-over-year benefit expense is well past the tipping point and is forcing many to take drastic measures that are disrupting today’s healthcare delivery model.
Record profits reported by insurance carriers, PBMs and benefit consultants has employers rethinking these relationships. They now look to healthcare providers who understand how to leverage their expertise in risk identification and management to deploy a more efficient employer-centric, population health management service line.
Applied Health Analytics’ Solution
Applied Health Analytics works with hospital and health system leadership across the country to launch direct-to-employer, population health management initiatives that increase patient engagement and acquisition to fuel top line growth.
Our proprietary software applications are at the core of our extensive capabilities. Benefactor IQ (bIQTM), Applied Health Analytics’ suite of population health management applications, serves as the technology bridge between employers and providers. This technology offers an evidence-based, risk stratification model that identifies high risk employees, forecasts the healthcare spend associated with these employees and provides robust member engagement functionality that links each with the most appropriate service line, health resources or risk mitigation competencies of the local health system.